Afternoon! Sandra is now back at home sitting comfortly blogging. Didnt feel well for today. Maybe after yesterday some hot and spicy food.. my throat couldnt take it anymore. So this morning I could feel that my throat is not doing well. I started to feel some irritations at my throat.
Sore throat has been always my 1st visitor that lead me to any further illness such as flu, fever, cough.. BUT *touch wood* Im gonna kill the bacteria! But now I can feel the bacteria is attacking already. Start to feel a bit of hotness and stuffy on my forehead. GOSH..
Received a sms from hedgiie telling me that he couldnt sleep for the nap that he planned to take. But it was just one msg. Not anymore after i replied so many times. And I dont know why. Wondering where is he now. Or probably he has already back to sleep. hmm..
Read Cherly's blog just now before I started to blog. Finally she revealled about her sudden pause on blogging 2 weeks back. and yea, I was right. They broke up. Kim Chun and Ryl. My buddy from Monash Uni. I could sense that it was something big and serious for both of them. And it is hurtful. I hadnt been keeping in close touch with them but I always contact with rly through blog. And that from blog, I always thought that they are such a sweet couple. Looking good and perfect for each other. But now I know, partly are just window dressing, there were lots of issues that were not known by others. For me, looking at them, It was a pity.
I found that they were just like some real life example on the reason why they broke up and also the problems faced. From Ryl blog - "Well, apparently, the definition of ur "teman" & mine is way lot diffthe "Sometimes" of urs and mine is totally....out of no where as well ...But dont criticize. Thats really hurtful." - evvon called it VERBALLY ABUSE, which is much more hurtful.
"一直以来 我都活在我的幸福中 我觉得很幸福很幸福 我拥有你 我。。真的爱上了3次 你的突然爆发 我受伤了. 你认为你很爱我 所以一直呵护 give in 整个把我宠坏了. 有问题时 却什么也没说过 不表示到头来的一次轰炸 我的心 真的很痛 很痛‘我从不知道你有那么多的不满 不悦" "以为自己给了很多你幸福 结果幸福中 还是那么多不满那我比较幸运不是? 因为我一直都在享受着幸福的时刻..."
For Ryl baby, Stay strong. You are who you are. I know that you will be alright.
Looking at so many couples stay and leave for their relationships, and I start to be worried and think whether you would be the one for me. Probably you can say that I am a coward when it comes to relationships. I cant afford to risk my heart. That's for true. Just cant.
The end of this.
So today I had only 3 hours of class. DAM bored. Econ teacher was absent then Maths teacher was not teaching. But morning I went to old town for breakfast with miingyi.. Love the half boiled eggs. Didnt eat for long since the day hedgiie left was the last time I ate it. 
Aww.. kinda tired today, probably due to the BAD bacteria.. sniffles.. =( Oh well, hedgiie's back online. hees.. byeee people! *loves*
napppppppp againnnnnnnn ....