Sandra's here to share what she has received from all her love ones after the lovely necklace from Mr.Hedgiie =) She truly hearts each and everyone of them..
OMG!! She's sooo CUTE !
Im still thinking a perfect name for her.. (!)
She was the adorable one once i have mentioned
to him AND
He remembered.
I love it. Quack.
It was a blastly funny the way i received this pressie, thank you,
He made a girl who stay at the house which i normally
park my car, left a notes clipped using my car wiper.
Then when she saw me, she said happy belated buffday.. O.o
the point is that, i was staring at her and thinking that :
Heart Duckie..
Lovely teddy from Kenn..
Lovely Fresh 9 Red Roses from my beloved Monash Buddy, Cool..~
All Fiishey can say is that :
" Thank you to all

I had a great buffday and pressie from all.
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