here's a little update about my freaking scary Final A2 exam..
Well, so far it went just alright. Not good but not too bad though. The worst one was my accounting P4 paper. screwed it like no body's business. Still remember my mind was blank for the 1st 30-mins when i was in the exam hall with the hell P4. The best i would say it's Pure Mathematics P3 =)
So now I have done with 5 very important and hard papers and left with the MCQ papers of accounting and economics. That would mean, after the coming 19th and 20th, Sandra will be officially graduated from A-levels which means, HOLIDAY time! 

A long one. That was what i was craving for so much since every single day when i was still in alevels. BUT now i found that i actually missed those old days very much, and was fear for the coming uncertain future which i said it as long holiday.
I would definitely miss those days.
- the time when we shook hand and intro a bit
- time when we said "nice to meet you"
- time when the bond btw us get stronger
- sometime to be a bit late for class
- the moment we asked each other "eh, eat where a?"
- we hanged out somewhere around the college
- the days we singk a lot
- moment when we camwhore
- moment when we LAUGH for no reason
- moment when everyone loves fiishey
- moment you guys help to take care my fish spa
- moment when we shouted said "baskin robbin for sale!"
- moment when we work as a team
- moment when we shopping together
- moment when we treasure each other so much
- moment when we started the friendship froms scratch.
Oh well.. will have a official post for the farewell of PB6 soon =)
- updates about NKF & ECA Recognization day 2009
- Rhythmic Roots @ Actors Studio, Lot 10
( photos will be uploaded in advanced. Do check them on my facebook ! )
Forgot to show you guys my cutest ever Korean Doll in hand.
My dearest niece - weiwei =)
Stay tune! =)