Hey everyone!
Finally I am now having some of my own free time to blog again! :)
Thank you Fadah, drop by so often! now here's the update!
I had a real busy week and it will be even more busy for the coming one =S
Not just full with appointments on my health & check ups, but also pack with many gathering and hang out session to meet up with all my lovelies for the one last time before I get to meet them again next year =/
That's why, even though I am going to be physically and mentally exhausted but it will be all worth.
So here is a quick post of my Farewell Party which is held just 3 days ago.
I intended to keep it small that's why I didn't invite each and everyone but only the closest one to gather at my house. So I only had a small amount of friends about 16? :)
But I had a very big family, I meant both side, daddy and mummy. And all together excluding my friends, there would be about 70 of them. *gasped* lol
I was really busy socialling around with everyone and trying to keep as attentive as I could to all my guests. All my uncles and aunties came with all my cousins.
I could compose this post the day after the party with following wonderful photos, I have to thank you to my very charming photographer of the night, Shangyong Ivan, My cousin brother.

But sadly, I woke up this morning and realised that I hadn't take a single pic with him that night =( all the photos were from him and after scrolling down, you will agree with me that he did a real good job, capturing all the smile and laughter on everyone's faces, I hope you can feel the happiness around!
Party starts at around 6.30pm but ming yi and bryann came earlier to hang out with me :) thanks pastries!
My beloved Grandma!
She cooked potato steamed chicken for me today during lunch! yumm :)
My 2 big uncles came, bought me a Solvil Titus watch! :D
My cousin sisters with my nieces from my mum's side :)
They gave me a super big card like bigger than the A4 size lol!
3 Pink Lady :)
My beloved sisters, just celebrated out 10 years of friendship at the WaterChalets, PD.
Ms. Muffin, Ming Yi @ the Ghost gurl lol!
Thank you for everything dear! Glad that you are now friends with Sarah and all the DURIANS you had in your stomach! XD
Some of my aunties asked : "eh where's the girl who acted as the white ghost that day?"
then I said : " nehh, sitting at the last table eating durians! "
The lovelies ones! :)
Thank you for taking time to come all the way here. I know Bryann lived quite far from cheras and also duckie from Subang. Last but not least, Mr. Penguine, been driving around up and down for everyone! Thanks :D *loves* I am so happy to have you guys with me :)
Of course, Ms. Sarah! the tallest and sexiest at the night.
But also having great temptation on DURIANS. XD
(she brought few back home too!) love you, dear :)
The gang :) Nice to have Sueann and Justin here as well!
Sueann, another durian queen of the night XD
Brother wit his cute2 gf :)
Cousin sister :)
Thanks for the book you bought me. I am sure it will be most useful. :D
Sis's surpised me! :D
Candid shot by Shangyong :) I like this haha :D
I was giving my thank you speech that time, expressing my gratitute and appreciation to both my parents :) without their support and love, I wouldn't be standing there that night.
Beloved younger sister, yingying :)
She surprised me with a cheesecake,
written on " HAPPY FAREWELL PARTY! "
Awww, how sweet of her! *love*
wHooooo! *blow*
Haha, GOTCHA! messing with the cheesecake when I was trying to take the candles out!
Thank you Daddy for helping me realising my dream since young.
I am always his little Princess :)
He is a very understanding dad, not like the others. I have been my rebellious period and he didn't educate us like other parents using the traditional way. when it comes to conflicts, discussions are allowed, so that we normally talk and understand how each other think, not shouting and yelling like giving orders to your children. But of course, that is my independent case which I respect the freedom and space given so that I grow in a healthy way but not abuse it. That's why it works fine and good on me. :)
Thank you Mummy for making all these happened.
You care and love me with all hearts, and sometimes pampering me as well!
You are always worried whether I will be alright flying alone there, anyone there picking me up from the airport, helping with my luggages and of course my diet and health at there. She always makes sure I am well-fed with all balance and sufficient nutrients X) I love her!
My cutest, funniest beloved sis :)
We are 8 years in age differences. believe it or not? haha!
She is very loving, a very good companion to eat and shop! XD
My younger brother :)
18 this year and still growing up. hope that he could be more mature in a way.
and start loving the family like you are going to be the man.
The big uncle! :D
came up from Seremban all da way for me :) Thank you!
My 3rd Aunty, Shangyong's mum :)
I truly felt that she loves me like she loves her own daughter :)
I felt the sayang, thank you ku-ma! :D]
3 precious baobei of daddy mummy :)
My very genius 10 years friend, Tee Jin.
Just came back from the States for holiday and currently doing his Engineering, on scholarships :)
More beautifully captured photos :)
All the aunties, grandma with my parents and I.
They all together made me a white gold necklace.
I love this pic :)
2 shots by my cousin brother which I found them very beautifully snapped.
His Mum :)
His Dad.
Thank you shangyong again :D
I had a great time that night even though I was super busy like jumping from table to table :) This farewell party was a little more than a farewell. I called it the celebration of dream come true? :) Many may know or some might not know that to do law was a dream since young and now, finally I could say, My dream has come true. I am happy to have all my beloved ones around to celebrate this moment with me.
It wasn't easy for sure afterall efforts that have been put in and some that have been sacrificed. I finally made it through my destination and that will be a brand new chapter which I will have to start drawing and colouring it on my own.
By all hearts, I would share the shining moments with them, my family.
Learn to love your family before you learn to love anyone else. It is like a bond since we were borned. How could you know to love or treasure your partner when you couldn't even know how to love your family which you would be with everyday?
Loving your family means giving them the best of it not the many of it.
Loving your family means give and take with your efforts.
Loving your family means you don't just take for granted but appreciate.
Loving your family means unconditional, not only when you need them because you know they will always be there for you.
I hope someday maybe he could read this or he could wake up from his mistake and stop taking his family for granted.
So after the party, I took my bag and off to dessert at SweetHut, Kuchai Lama with the gang! :D I promised it since they have waited me until the end of the party! Thanks guys, very touching!
Hopped up to penguine's car and let me show you some yummy dessert since I didn't even get to even anything during the party, was too busy to duplicate myself to the food. lol!
Coconut millk based :)
Mango milk based ;)
Cincau with cookies and cream! :D
Coconut + mango pudding :)
Phoebe :)
Wenda, the Penguine driver of the day :P
Duckie! :D
Lastly, Fiishey! :D
hees :) cute!
Fish and duck :) *wheee*
Panaroma view of the shop and the grumpy 2 XD
me and duck were like watching comic in life haha!
Sandra of the day :)
I looked so tired by the end of the day, but was thankful to God, cos I was blessed so well with such happiness.
I reached home at about 12.45am that night.
Guess what did I do at the first place? heh..
like no other happy kids, I rushed up to my room for these :)
Yay! open presents time! :D
(haha.. forgive my hyperness :P)
Haha! 2 very thoughtful pets of mine :P
yea a london guide for me to use it during my trip down to there soon hees :)
A diary book as I needed! I don't need to buy lo :)
Thank you so much! so both also win okay? haha!
A book of motivation is exactly what I need for starting my new chapter :)
Very thoughtful of my cousin sister. Definitely is something that I would use when I am there :)
OMG this is seriously cute!
How thoughtful of Brian Lum :) I wonder where could I find a card like that.
A very beautiful pen from Parker by my another cousin sis :)
Bracelet by my lovely Pink Ladies :)
Ocean Blue scarf by Zach and Gf :)
Keep me warm when I am there! :D thank you so much!
Pink Ball Pen from TeeJin :)
Pink is very Sandra XD and look careful on the second photo, My name and year were embossed on it! OMG my 1st embossed pen. Thank you TeeJin, you shouldn't have.
TADA! The Baby Pink Solvil Titus watch from my uncles :D
I love it, will make sure I make full use of it :)
Of course, not to forget many other uncle aunties came with bigbig angpau for me :) hmm thank you again and I truly appreciate them.
So now it seems the whole village knew that I am going off to the uk for Law. On the other hand, it also means more stress because it says : " You better do well! " O.O big eyes starring at me! lol.
Well, I promise I will try my best, for myself, for those who love me :D
So here you go for a super long post! I hope it can last for a week at least lol! cos I will be more busy for the coming weeks.
Checked date, exactly 2 weeks left to my departure date :)
I will enjoy kaw2 the rest of the weeks XD
Happy reading people!